yamaha byson reviewsYamaha Advantage Byson:Yamaha Byson excellentin terms of design orappearance. AppearanceYamaha Byson fierce,really just streetfighterdeh ... Model streetfighterThis is in tunemotor user communitymales in Indonesia. Could bechoice for bike loversstreetfighter motorcyclewhichprioritize appearance.Disadvantages Yamaha Byson:Lack or weaknessYamaha Byson if Isaid still more on technologymachine used.Specifications Yamaha engineByson with a capacity of153cc,Water-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC,2 -valves, maximum power: 10.1PS / 7500 rpm and torqueMaximum: 10.5 Nm / 5500rpm for some peoplefelt still lesssatisfactory forkeep up appearanceswhich is ok. Moreover,a price that is not differentmuch with the V-Xion.How does the price of YamahaByson...