Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daftar Harga Spare Part Honda Beat 110 CC

Daftar Harga Spare Part Honda Beat 110 CC price listHonda Beat 110 CC Kampas Rem DepanRp 41.000Honda Beat 110 CC Kampas Rem BelakangRp 63.000Honda Beat 110 CC Kampas Kopling SetRp 110.000Honda Beat 110 CC Saringan UdaraRp 43.000Honda Beat 110 CC V-beltRp 120.000Honda Beat 110 CC Roller/buahRp 7.000Honda Beat 110 CC Rumah RollerRp 54.000Honda Beat 110 CC CDIRp 340.000Honda Beat 110 CC Relay StarterRp 40.000Honda Beat 110 CC Kabel SpidometerRp 15.000Honda Beat 110 CC PistonRp 45.000Honda Beat 110 CC Ring PistonRp 45.000Honda Beat 110 CC Sokbreker BelakangRp 180.000Honda Beat 110 CC KemRp 115.000Daftar Harga Spare Part Honda Beat 110 ...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ngamen 01(Asolole) eni sagita...intermezo

Ngamen 01(Asolole) - Eni Sagita(Sagita Group) By Mahendra Kusuma Angling Darma.DAT Panggah Asololeeeee.... Browwwww.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Category:EntertainmentTags:* Ngamen* 01Asolole* Eni* SagitaSagita* Group* By* Mahendra* Kusu...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

daftar harga spare part honda absolute revo 110

Daftar harga spare part honda absolute revo price listHonda Absolut Revo Filter Udara 32.000Honda Absolut Revo Kampas Rem Depan Rp 37.000Honda Absolut Revo Kampas Rem Belakang Rp 26.500Honda Absolut Revo RantaiRp 65.000Honda Absolut Revo Gir Depan Rp 35.500Honda Absolut Revo Gir BelakangRp 63.000Honda Absolut Revo Bohlam DepanRp 25.000Honda Absolut Revo Bohlam BelakangRp 7.300Honda Absolut Revo Kabel Gas Rp 20.000Honda Absolut Revo Kampas KoplingRp 148.000Honda Absolut Revo PistonRp 38.000Honda Absolut Revo Ring PistonRp 60.0...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Daftar Harga Motor Ducati Street Fighter Baru dan Bekas price list

Daftar Harga Motor Ducati StreetFighter Baru dan Bekas (Second) price listPT SuperMoto Indonesia being the major supplier of Ducati motorcycles back presents the sensation of driving a motor sport through a series of their new motorcycles.Harga Ducati StreetFighter Baru Ducati Type Price (Rupiah) StreetFighter 410.000.000 StreetFighter S 450.000.000 Harga Ducati StreetFighter Bekas / Second Ducati Type Year Price (Juta Rupiah) - - - Information SummaryDucati motorcycle racing fans now have a new choice. PT Indonesian SuperMoto Ducati launched two new variants to be marketed in Indonesia, which Ducati Streetfighter and Ducati Superbike 1198, at the weekend.The Streetfighter & Streetfighter S Ducati are equipped with 1100cc...

Daftar Harga Motor Ducati Sport Classic - Touring Baru dan Bekas price list

Daftar Harga Motor Ducati Sport Classic - Touring Baru dan Bekas price listHarga Motor Ducati Sport Classic / Touring Baru dan Bekas (Second). Ducati Sport Classic and Sport Touring takes advantage of the beauty of the signature Ducati tubular Trellis frame. Ducati Sport Classic types are GT1000, Sport 1000 Monoposto, Sport 1000 Biposto, and Sport 1000 S. Ducati Sport Touring types are ST3 and ST3 ABS.Harga Ducati Sport Classic / Touring Baru Ducati Type Price (Juta Rupiah) Sport Classic GT1000 100 – 120 Jt ($11,495) Harga Ducati Sport Classic / Touring Bekas / Second Ducati Type Year Price (Juta Rupiah) Sport Touring ST2 2000 – 2003 120 – 150 Sport Touring ST4 2000 – 2003 130 – 175...

New Daftar Harga Motor Ducati Multistrada Baru dan Bekas price list

Daftar Harga Motor Ducati Multistrada Baru dan Bekas price listHarga Motor Ducati Multistrada Baru dan Bekas (Second). Manufacturer renowned Italian motorcycle, Ducati, showing the monsters of the streets of London Motorcycle Show 2010, not long ago. One of the products being introduced to the public is Ducati Multistrada 1200.Harga Ducati Multistrada Baru Ducati Type Price (Rupiah) Multistrada 1100S 380 Million Multistrada 1200 400 – 500 Million Harga Ducati Multistrada Bekas / Second Ducati Type Year Price (Juta Rupiah) Multistrada 620ie 2003 – 2005 130 – 160 Multistrada 1000 ds 2003 – 2007 160 – 260 Note : Harga Ducati / The motorcycle price displayed here can be different from the actual price on the dealer or the seller...

New Harga Motor Ducati Hypermotard price list

Harga Motor Ducati Hypermotard price listHarga Motor Ducati Hypermotard Baru dan Bekas (Second). Ducati Hypermotard now available in Indonesia through authorized agents Supermotto – Ducati Automall. This motorcycles can penetrate the speed of 240 km / h, with the engine capacity of 1100cc.Harga Ducati Hypermotard Baru Ducati Type Price (Rupiah) Hypermotard 1100S 380.000.000 Note : Harga Ducati / The motorcycle price displayed here can be different from the actual price on the dealer or the seller depend on some factors. Hypermotard forms spelled out very succinctly, even when compared with the Yamaha V-Ixion though, many do not think that this motor with a capacity of 1100cc. Machines used, is intended for Multistrada engine...

New daftar harga motor ducati price list

daftar harga motor ducati price listHarga Ducati Monster Baru Ducati Type Price (Rupiah) Monster 696 300.000.000 Harga Ducati Monster Bekas / Second Ducati Type Year Price (Juta Rupiah) Monster M600 2000 – 2001 95 – 120 Monster M400 2000 – 2002 100 – 125 Monster 620ie 2002 – 2005 130 – 160 Monster S2R 800 2004 – 2007 170 – 225 Monster S2R 1000 2005 – 2007 175 – 250 Monster 695ie 2007 200 – 230 Ducati Monster 696, is the latest product from Ducati. Engine used is a 696 cc L-Twin, 2 valves per cylinder desmodromic, air-cooled. Compression ratio is not bad, 10.6:1.Power generated reached 80HP at 9000 RPM. While the torque that can be achieved to reach 50.6 lb.ft at 7750 RPM. Power is increased by 9% and torque increased by 11%...

daftar harga motor honda price list 2011

Harga Motor HordaHarga Jual On The Road Sepeda Motor Honda Wilayah DKI JakartaCC Year Price OTR (Rp.)100 2008 Rp. 10,600,000 Fit X100 2008 Rp. 12,050,000 Revo Spoke100 2008 Rp. 13,050,000 Revo CW125 2008 Rp. 13,950,000 Supra X 125 R (SW)125 2008 Rp. 14,950,000 Supra X 125 R (CW)125 2008 Rp. 16,100,000 Supra X 125 PGM-Fi110 2008 Rp. 12,000,000 Beat110 2008 Rp. 13,150,000 Vario110 2008 Rp. 14,350,000 Vario CW125 2008 Rp. 16,900,000 City Sport 1160 2008 Rp. 17,600,000 Mega Pro200 2008 Rp. 20,900,000 Tiger160 2008 Rp. 19,100,000 Mega Pro CW200 2008 Rp. 24,000,000 Tiger CWastra-honda.c...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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daftar nama leasing di indonesiaDaftar Perusahaan Leasing AutomotiveDaftar Perusahaan LeasingBAFAdira FinanceBhakti FinancePara FinanceMitra Dana FinanceSemesta FianaceOto Finan...

Tourer motorcycles insurance

Tourer motorcycle insuranceQuality bike insurance foryour tourerWe love Tourers. We love thecomfort and feel of a big,powerful bike. We love ridingfor the sake of it; the way theworld around you just meltsaway and how it ’s all aboutyou, the bike and the moment.But we also know how hard itcan be to find really goodinsurance for Tourers. Luckily,Swinton Bikes is here to help.With us you’ll find greatquality insurance atcompetitive prices. Ourdedicated team of expertshave access to loads ofmotorcycle insurers so they’reable to find you a brilliantquote, including greatdiscounts for no-claims. Coverfor travel within the EU is alsoavailable, plus the wholeprocess only takes a fewminutes.So what are you waiting for?Call 0800 092 6702 or clickhere...

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multibike insuranceMotorcycle insurance formultiple bikesWe love bikes, so weunderstand why you mightchoose to have two, or three,or four. After all, you ’re notgoing to get very far off-roading on your commuter, ortrying to dodge traffic on atrike. But we also know howhard it can be to find reallygood insurance for multiplebikes. Well, not with SwintonBikes.We’ll find you great qualityinsurance at great low prices.We understand you ’ll only beriding one bike at a time, soour team of experts will findyou our best bike quote fromour selection of insurers. We ’llfactor in any no-claims youhave, plus the wholeinsurance process only takes amatter of minutes.So what are you waiting for?Call 0800 092 6702 for a quotetoday.Multi-bike insurance throughSwinton...

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Compare Classic Motorbike InsuranceClassic MotorbikeInsuranceIt can be a real hassle tryingto find good value insurance ifyour bike is more than 11years old... but not withSwinton Bikes. We understandthe appeal of vintage bikes,and we also know it can behard to say goodbye to yourfirst ever ride, so we don ’tmake you pay over the oddsfor older bike insurance.With Swinton Bikes you’ll findbrilliant motorcycle insuranceat a brilliant price. We canarrange cover for everythingfrom war-era bikes right up tolate 20th century classics. Youcan even add on breakdowncover for bikes up to 20 yearsold. Terms and conditionsapply.If you have a classic bike thenbreakdown cover can in somecases be free (depending oninsurer).So what are you waiting for?Call...

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Insurance for new ridersGreat motorcycle insurancefor new bikersWe love new riders. We lovedthat first biking experience...the sweet farewell to publictransport and gridlockedtraffic, the exploration of newroads and new ways ofthinking. But we also knowhow hard it can be for newriders to find really goodinsurance. Luckily, SwintonBikes is here to help.We can get you brilliant bikeinsurance at competitiveprices, with introductorydiscounts for new riders. Ourdedicated team of expertshave access to a selection ofgreat insurers so they can getyou our very best quote. Ontop of that, the Swinton Bikesteam can help you choose theright bike by taking youthrough the insurance costs.Getting insured through usonly takes a few minutes soyou can get back...

Sports motorcycles insurance

Sports motorcycle insuranceFantastic insurance for yoursports bikeWe love sports bikes. We lovetaming the beast; nailingevery corner and tearing upevery straight, acceleratingthrough the gears with equalgrit and grace. But we alsoknow how hard it can be tofind really good sports bikeinsurance. Luckily, SwintonBikes is here to help.With us you’ll find greatinsurance at a great price. Wehave a panel of insurers soour team of specialists canfind you our best quote foryour sports bike. This includesFREE cover for travel withinEurope and a 24-hour claimsline, plus the whole processonly takes a few minutes.So what are you waiting for?Call 0800 092 6702 or clickhere for a quote today.Sports bike insurance fromSwinton Bikes means:A low cost extensive...

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Bike insurance for convicted ridersSupreme motorcycleinsurance for convicted bikersIt can be hard to find goodvalue insurance when youhave a driving conviction... butnot with Swinton Bikes. Weknow that the past is the pastso, unlike many of ourcompetitors, we’re able tooffer you a competitive quote.With Swinton Bikes you’ll getquality motorcycle insuranceat quality prices – without thehassle! Because we have arange of insurers we can findyou a quote regardless of yourdriving history... even if you ’vehad a driving ban or otherconvictions in the past. We’lltake your no-claims intoaccount and the wholeprocess only takes a fewminutes!So what are you waiting for?Call 0800 092 6702 or clickhere for a quote today.Insurance through SwintonBikes means:Great...

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moped insuranceSepeda terkalahkan asuransi untukAnda mopedKami mencintai moped. kami mencintaiperasaan merobek upbus pass dan melompat untukAnda pertama naik; menemukankembali jalan, jalur negara ataudimanapun dua roda mengambilAnda. Tapi kita juga tahu bagaimanasulitnya dapat untuk menemukan benar-benarmoped yang baik asuransi,apakah Anda seorang pengendara baru atausepeda kecil hardcoreantusias. Itu sebabnya AndaSepeda perlu Swinton.Bersama kami Anda akan mendapatkan fantastismotor asuransi diharga kompetitif, bahkan jikaAnda moped yang diubah ataudiimpor. Tim spesialis kamisepeda ahli memiliki akses kesebuah panel asuransi atas, sehinggamereka dapat menemukan kutipan untuk semuajenis sepeda dan membuat Anda kamiterbaik moped kutipan. kamidapat...

membandingkan asuransi scooter

Compare Scooter InsuranceSwinton Scooter AsuransiKami mencintai skuter. Kita mencintaikebebasan dua roda,tenun melalui kemacetan lalu lintasdan berkedip nakal senyum distatis beroda empatpenumpang. Tapi kita juga tahubetapa sulitnya dapat untuk menemukanbenar-benar baik skuter asuransi,terutama untuk yang baru dan mudapengendara.Untungnya, kami di sini untukmembantu.Dengan Sepeda Swinton, Anda akan mendapatkanskuter murah asuransi padabesar harga. Karena kita telahsebuah panel asuransi, tim kamiahli sepeda motor bisa mendapatkanAnda sebuah kutipan yang besar pada keseluruhankisaran sepeda yang berbeda,termasuk skuter. kita bisamengatur asuransi untuk barudan muda pengendara sepeda motordengan nol tidak-klaim danSeluruh proses hanya membutuhkanbeberapa...

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pilih dan bandingkan asuransi sepeda motor yang murahMengendarai sepeda motor harussalah satu cara yang paling menarikuntuk mendapatkan dari A ke B. Bahkan jikaAnda naik sekitar tanpatujuan, tidak ada yang lebih baikcara untuk bepergian.Kami gilatertarik pada sepeda dan kami bahkanlebih tajam pada mendapatkan Andafantastis harga pada Andaasuransi sepeda motor. Bahkan,kita membandingkan asuransi sepedamengutip dari panel seluruhasuransi untuk mendapatkan yang terbaikmungkin harga dan kebijakan.Bandingkan Swinton motorasuransiKami pikir itu penting Andamendapatkan asuransi sepeda motor Andadari orang-orang yang memahamibetapa Anda mencintai sepeda Andadan betapa pentingnya adalah Andamemiliki penutup yang tepat.Penawaran Asuransi MotorperbandinganApa...

tips dan cara memilih kredit motor

tips dan cara memilih kredit motorTingginya permintaan dan konsumsi jenis kendaraan sepeda motor di Indonesia tentu saja merupakan peluang bisnis yang sangat prospektif. Peluang ini juga mendorong lembaga keuangan untuk berpartisipasi dalam bisnis yang menguntungkan dengan menyediakan kredit.Menariknya, layanan ini tidak hanya untuk membeli sepeda motor baru, tetapi mereka juga berjuang dalam memberikan motor kredit yang digunakan.Sepeda motor roda persaingan di Indonesia telah didominasi oleh produk dari Jepang. Kemudian, produk motor dari China dan Taiwan juga membantu meramaikan dan mewarnai. Bahkan industri dalam negeri mulai memproduksi sepeda motor tertarik dan untuk memenuhi permintaan yang tinggi.Kehilangan insentifUntuk memenuhi...

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tips-tips yang perlu diingat bagaimana kredit honda MotorBanyak cara untuk memakai sepeda motor, salah satunya adalah pinjaman sepeda motor Honda. Cara ini ramai sekali ditempuh.Wajar, honda kredit motor yang sering memberikan pelayanan yang luar biasa di mata pelanggan dan juga dengan persyaratan mudah.Dalam dunia kerja, kredit motor honda jelas iklim kerja sangat mendukung. Terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di Jakarta. Pembiayaan sepeda motor Honda membantu mereka yang berpenghasilan pas-pasan tapi ingin memiliki kendaraan bermotor untuk memfasilitasi transportasi ke dan kembali dalam urusan pekerjaan mereka.Dengan demikian, kredit motor honda secara langsung atau tidak langsung memajukan perekonomian bangsa dan negara. Bayangkan misalnya mereka tidak memiliki banya yak kendaraan bermotor,...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2012 Get Ready - new honda pgm

2012 Get Ready honda p...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

price list credit honda daftar harga kredit honda indonesia

price list credit honda daftar harga kredit hondaHONDA Rp. Harga DP 11 BulanHonda Revo Spoke Rp 11,750,000Dp Rp 400.000Rp 1.189.000 x 11Honda Revo CW Rp. 13,050,000 Dp Rp 550.000Rp 1.282.000x11Honda Revo Deluxe Rp. 13,650,000 Dp Rp 500.000Rp 1.346.000x11Honda Supra X 125 Rp. 14,300,000 Dp Rp 800.000Rp 1.374.000x11Honda Supra X123CW Rp 15,350,000 Dp Rp 850.000Rp 1.487.000x11Honda X 125 INJCW Rp 16,475,000 Dp Rp 1.050.000Rp 1.582.000x11Honda Vario CW Rp. 14,965,000 Dp Rp 1.050.000 -Honda Techno Rp. 15,790,000 Dp Rp 1.900.000-Honda Blade Rp. 13,840,000 Dp Rp 400.000Rp 1.391.000x11Honda BladeRepsol Rp. 13,990,000 Dp Rp 550.000Rp 1,396.000Honda CS 1 Rp. 17,140,000 Dp Rp 1.600.000Rp 1.657.000x11Honda Tiger CW Rp. 24,890,000 Dp Rp 4.050.000Rp 2.229.000x11Honda...

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