reviews xeon yamaha matic 125ccThe ability of an aggressiveobtained from the newmachine,125 cc four-stroke, twovalve, SOHC, cooledfluids, felt energeticstreets of Nusa Duaslightly curved and uphill.Gas Maximum When Xeonthe acceleration is constant.Several times this skutikDIGEBI up to speed100 km per hoursmooth. Moving teethbarely feltprove the performance of V-belttransmission is smooth andstable.Maneuver with Skutikagile when asked to play incurve and to avoidholes, and easycontrolled. Sittingthe rider is comfortableand not making bodiesfatigue over mounted.Just the convenience ofshock absorber orBack sokbrekerdo not feel very strong.quite difficult!Conditions that are feltsliding inroad surface is noton average. On the other hand,control...