Friday, January 27, 2012

daftar harga motor kawasaki 2012

The motorcycles: daftar harga motor kawasaki 2012: daftar harga motor kawasaki 2011 Daftar harga motor kawasaki 2011 New Motorcycle Prices Type OTR Price (IDR) Athelete 115cc Rp 15.....

Friday, January 20, 2012

daftar harga motor minerva 2012

List Daftar harga motor minerva 2011Daftar harga motor minerva baru dan bekas 2011New Motorcycle PricesType OTR Price (IDR) GTR 150 Rp 17.700.000Madass 125 XX Rp 17.000.000Megelli 250M Rp 27.300.000Megelli 250R Rp 29.300.000Megelli 250S Rp 26.500.000R 150 SE Rp 16.200.000R 150 VX Rp 16.900.000R 200 Rp 18.300.000Used Motorcycle PricesType Year Average Price(IDR)CBR 2008 Rp 9.100.000CBR 2009 Rp 10.100.000R 150 2009 Rp 9.600.0...

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